Monday, January 17, 2005


finally i got to taste the electrifying atmosphere of the 55,00 crowds at Kallang Stadium.. Gerek!!.. the last time i felt tis type of atmosphere was like 6 years ago.. tat was the time i went there for National Day Parade.. but tis is the first time i observed the whole nation came together to support their national soccer team against the fearsome indonesian team..

i went with my family n my COE soccer frens.. about 15 ppl altogther.. duduk kat depan skali.. we sat at the east gallery.. juz beside the indonesian stand..

befote the match.. i filled up 3/4 of my stomach by eating breads with sausages which my mother had smuggled quietly into the stadium.. haha.. den got tis man a.k.a devil- mask man in front of me.. he was making fool of himself seh.. memalukan jek!!..

The classic "Ole! Ole!" chants could be heard around the stadium.. chey!!.. mcam kat old trafford stadium.. haha.. so, aper lagik?!.. join in lah.. Ole!.. Ole!OLe!OLE!!!............. OLE!!!........ OLE!!!...

tak sempat nak rest skali si indra pulak score.. Woohoo!!.. lawa dok.. den he go to the corner flag and started to crawl like a baby.. with the rest joining in.. hahaha.. merepek seh.. tapi style jugak..

den in the 40th in i think.. si itimi dickson run from halfway field to the opponent corner line.. laju seh.. i wihs i were like him.. den he cross indra kene tackle.. nasib baik penalty.. si agu score penalty baik seh trick.. he tricked the gk as if he wanted to kick to the left skali ke right.. oklah.. boleh tahan skill..

When the final whistle was finally blown.. celebrate tak tentu arah seh.. mcam nak rak!!.. abeh si indonesian fans pun kene boo-ed.. terpakse lah dorang balik dgn hati terluke.. ish ish ish.. kecian dorang.. hahaha..

we left tat place kul 10 gitu den reach home kul 11... padahal naik kereta seh.. traffic jam dah..

den reach home baru nak start hw... haha.. baik ah khai... oklah..


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