Saturday, November 21, 2009

Q & A

To William:
The Cadet Conversion Course for BSLC crossovers to OCS is, as you know, the preparation of OCS and giving you a little taste of officership. The ability to initiate, think out-of-the-box, lead to perfection, and of course, maintain high level of integrity & discipline.

As far as i know, mine was a 2 weeks course. We went through 4 main aspects; technical handling in demolitions & GPMG, Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) which is a compulsory to pass, presentation on current world issues and leadership games & talks, and lastly a week of Pulau Tekong missions in both attack and defence.

The first 3 things won't be much of an issue (since i assumed, that's why you are chosen for!) but what's important is the 1 week of field camo itself. Be prepared to be appointed as a Platoon Commander/Sergeant and excel in it. It won't be an easy task but its not that hard too.

Just as to say, if you're chosen for this, you are automatically be presumed by the commanders that you are already a highly-motivated soldier who are willing to take that hard knocks along the way and learnt from it. Remember, the two weeks course is just a CONVERSION course. Meaning to say, they are just going to change your mentality from a newly-appointed Corporal to a Cadet. Surely, you will still feel unsettle when you first step into OCS, just like i do. But it should be just fine once you get used to it. (:

best moment.

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