Today was quite a hectic day for me.. MALAY DANCE(erm! aku dipaksa lah) in the morning, den i have to rush to my cousin's place to give him tuition. He is planning to go Anderson Junior College next year, so yeah, his mom kind of want me to prepare him for next year's syllabus. haha.
Aku maner nye pro je ajar2 orang. haha.
Immediately after that, rushed again to meet Taufiq, Firdaus and Hafiz at BP. Initially, we were planning to go to SIM to have our lunch and go to SP for soccer. But we changed it last min to eat at Al-Ameen.
This where something really wrong happen.
Not to me.. of coz.. haha. But to HAFIZ.
Hafiz was chewing a gum and he decided to spit it out from the overhead brigde near Beauty World there. He aimed a car which cun2 speeding below him. and it HIT! BULLEYE at the windscreen.
Of coz the other 3 including me kept insisting him not to do that.
We thought nth would happen but as luck always against us, the car made a right turn to the Beauty World carpark, winding down the window, and started shouting at us. Hafiz started to walk fast and take cover in Al-Azhar toilet. The other 3 of us chill2 walk to Al-Ameen as if nth happen. haha. We didnt do anythin wrong wat.
Surprisingly, the driver never gave up and approached us, still in his car, taking our photo using his hp. We posed for it lah of coz. haha.
We started arguing with him about that incident in front of the Al-Ameen restaurant. Luckily, tat time few ppl only. We argued and argued, denying that we are juz 'acquantaince' to the cuprit. Hafiz came to the rescue, but tis time, he was wearing a different shirt.
We acted stupid all the way thru the argument, saying that the culprit we knew him as 'Kamil'(sorry to all the Kamil-s in the world for using ur name) . I just give u all a glimpse of our conversation. Here it goes:
Juda(Tats his 'pet' name i think.. haha): I think u're the one hu did rite juz now?(saying with an angry tone while looking at Hafiz)
Hafiz: Ouh.. so u blaming me? i juz came and i dunno anythin happen.
Firdaus: Yar.. he just came down from the bus.
Me: Anyway, i think that Kamil had run away far from here by now.
Juda: Can you contact him now? Dun say u all dun have his no.
Hafiz: Hey.. do u understand? We are not close to him. We only know him while playing with him once at NP. tats all.
Me, Firdaus, Taufiq: (Nodding our head and said a convincing 'Yar!')
He took my hp no. and take our group photo one last time for 'memories'. He asked we all to search for 'Kamil' and called him back b4 5 right before he finally left.
Fuhh! That was the end of it. We four sat for awhile and started laughing to ourselves about the incident.
Just imagine what will his reaction be:
During the arguments.. we paused.. and smiled at him.. "Sir, we just wanna tell u that...
U're on MTV Boiling Point. Here's ur 10 bucks.
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