Thursday, January 11, 2007

2007. A New Beginning.

im so late.

It has been some time since i last blogged. Im SO sorry because as you know, school has re-opened.
And being busy as always, i can't really blogged that frequent. Hai.

Nvm. That's not the point that im going to talk about today. What's more important is that i finally QUIT HOCKEY. Yes. im OUT.

After a year being a hockey player, i think its time for me to 'retire'. Its not that im not fit nor im not interested in sports, but simply, hockey is so much difficult to master. When you can't master the sports, you dread to go for the trainings. And everytime you go for the trainings, you feel its boring because you cant do anything much, especially dribbling. for those who know me well, I love to dribble regardless the sports; soccer, rugby etc. But when comes to hockey, i can't do anything much with the ball, except for stopping, BASIC dribbling, pass. That's all. After all, all these while, i hoped that through the trainings, i will improve on that, dribbling past one or more opponents like what i did in soccer. I get frustrated when things i expect to happen doesn't happen. Although i was VERY glad and excited when i was selected for the first team, playing as the CENTRE FORWARD, i can't help it when my techniques are still not up to my expectation. I do scored some vital goals and making nice runs down the flanks, so im not that bad actually, i presumed.

Being in 2 CCAs currently is also partly my reason why i quit. For the benefit of those who still don't know what's my other CCA, well, im telling you now, its Malay Dance(MCS). Its not that i was entirely forced, but it is a two ways thing, they forced me to join and on the same time, i agreed to it coz i feel i want to learn something new in my JC life. Being malay, i should know more-or-less some of my Malay traditional dance moves right? Its only for this year's SYF what.. no harm. its not that im going to be a malay dancer for the rest of my life. The important thing is, i will gain something beneficial from it. I hope so.

Thirdly, i was actually planning to join Soccer which, i hoped, it will set up soon. Im already doing the proposal and petition with some of my friends' help. But i got 3 problems; they may reject our proposal, JC2 might not able to join a new CCA, and we for sure might not able to play in this year's tournanment which will be held this April. So, yes, my chance to represent PJC Soccer is very very slim. One thing for sure, i just hoped that soccer will be set up, thats all. I will be more than happy to see that happening. Although if im not going to be part of it, i will still be glad to see the individual soccer talents among PJC students. And people start to recognise me, Sir Khairul Ruzaini, as the Founder of PJC Soccer. haha. okay. thats crap.

Aniway, apart from all those things, school has been quite a smooth sailing for me. Maybe because its still early and it havent reach the stress peak level. But i think im more disciplined now. haha. chey. nolah, its just that im more determined to do well this year. So, need to be more hardworking lah. hopefully, i can continue this attitude till the A levels, if better, for the rest of my life. haha. insyaallah.
Oh ya, J1s PJC students this year is quite promising you know? I mean, the girls. haha. nolah. im just trying to say that there are more pretty girls this time. BUT im sure, im not not going to tackle them or anything, coz simply, i don't have time to. If in any circumstances i got time, then, maybe. haha.

In conclusion, i think i got to go now. Roger Out.

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