Sunday, January 30, 2005

ok, i vowed to myself to write my blog in english.. sorry to those non-malays hu did not understand wat was i writing about all these while.. *PeAcE No WaR*

Oklah.. yesterday i went to my cuzin's open house. 'Cukur rambut' ceremony one.. (err, oklah for the sake of my non-malay frens.. its a 'cut newborn baby's hair ceremony'.. hahahaa) Her family lived in yew tee too so my family went there by foot.

I had an enjoyable time there.. especially with the foods provided. Got chicken lah of course, tats y very delicious. There, i met my distant cuzin, Haryana hu gave me her 'O' level chemistry notes.. thanks yar! Reach home i read it immediately n it was useful though..

My cuzins came to my house soon after we left tat place.. best seh!.. We had steamboat for dinner.. interestin man!.. we had a pillow fight too..( lerr.. like small kids man).. but hey!.. they started it first u noe.. i was playin the com but a pillow flew to my directly to my face.. the nxt thing i knew was tat i started beating everyone in the room with my pilow. hehe.. which is den led to my downfall.. n everybody in turn started to beat me up.. die ah!!.. nolah.. juz dizzy onli.. cause i was constantly beaten at the head.. ish ish ish.. After they really satisfied in beating me, they go karaoke plak at the living room.. oklah, quite fun.. but i most of the times i didnt join them.. cause bz chattin in msn..

They went home quite late seh aroun 1am gitu.. but can understand lah. They all living in cck area too.. so quite near to my house..

tats all for today! ouh.. btw, tis coming wed.. its confirmed tat CCKSS will against ZHENGHUA SEC.. so, continue to support us k.. TaAz~!

Saturday, January 29, 2005


Yeah~! Our 2nd match in tis tournament... we won AGAIN!!! 6 points oreadi now.. 3 matches to go.. and if we are to win the remaining schs... we qualified for the 2nd round.. n if we are to win the 2nd round.. we will automatically qualified for the NATIONALS!!!..

First goal was scored by Hidayat.. lawa dok shot dier.. macam gerrard nye gitu.. tat time was about 10 minutes into the game.. the early goal really boosted us with alot of confidence... SEMANGAT lah tu!!! I played quite defensive tis time round.. raraely penetrated thru their left defence.. however, i do provide some quality assists but the finisher let me down.. si Hidayat lah tu.. during the 2nd half.. i shoot the ball across the goal line.. and hidayat was at the far post.. dier managed to head the ball.. tapi ke maner dah.. tak goal.. WASTED!! But overall, im satisfied with my team.. Winning mentality is there.. and the bonds we have as a team was fantastic.. and wat i like the most is tat we treat each other like brothers.. Sehati Sejiwa ah.. haha~!! ( Shhshh.. macam criter "Band OF Brothers" je..)

Den second goal was during the 2nd half.. around last 10 minutes to the end of the game.. Khairul Anwar was brought down in the penalty area n the referee decided to award us a penalty n Sofyan put the ball behind the net very well, betul2 bolanye placing kat the bottom left hand corner..

Den tis where the match turned ugly.. si goalkeeper dorang kicked a high ball to the centre of the pitch, trying not to waste anymore time.. Shahrizal decided to head it skali terkene si YISS nye striker nye kepale.. hahahaahaaa.. Tapi aper lagik??!!!... Gaduh lah.. i tried to act like Subramani since he was the one hu stop the fight between S'pore players n Myanmar players during the Tiger Cup.. Nasib baik tak kene botol.. Phew~!.. But yang surprisingnye, si Azman, our reserved goalkeeper, cari pasal ngan si budak YISS.. Abeh pekik dari sidelines.. hahahaa.. memalukan je.. den pulak kene sent off.. ish3.. atittude ah budak nie..

So, nxt match is still a mysterious one.. i dunno against hu but i noe tat we will versus tat sch on Wednesday.. Can be Zhenghua, Greenridge or Bukit Batok...

... TaAz~!!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Let me say the good news first.......

We finally won teck whye sec 2-1... surprise??!!!.. Yeah, im also surprise.. really can't believe tat we won teck whye.They were 3rd in the Nationals last year. It was indeed a tough match though. I think for tat match itself.. i covered the longest distance ever!!... lari saner, lari sini.. mcm byk stamina gitu. The atmosphere was so tense seh tat time.. mcam kat battlefield.. asyik gaduh n injured je.. but bcoz of our strong winning mentality.. hehe.. we managed to get away with the three points..

Yang kelakar nye pulak.. for the first time.. i had to face my younger brader face to face.. coincidentally, our positions meant to meet each other.. he was payin left midfield n i was playin right midfield.. haha.. merepek seh.. i tried not to let him come near me, so i constantly pushed him away.. tapi lincah ah dier.. asyik lari daripade aku jek.. haha.. but no matter wats.. the msg behind it is ...
HE MAY BE GOOD.. BUT IM BETTER... ( hahahaa... eksyen pulak khai.. mentang2 dah menang..)

Den.. si Ali n Ajul( braders jugak in the match.. kembar lagik) dua2 dari twss.. form seh dorang!! lari laju dok.. somemore si Ali made two shots.. dua2 kene top crossbar.. hahaa.. can say tat was unlucky.. but si Ajul pulak scores the equaliser b4 we scored back to win 2-1.. but one thing to say.. attitude seh dier.. haha ( maaf yer Ajul!.. haha..) asyik nak carik gaduh jek.. relax ah brader.. jadi mcam aku.. cool je sentiase.. hahahaaa...

Den there's another adik bradik in the field.. tis two brothers pun against each other.. they are Sofyan(CCKSS) n Rehan(TWSS.. btw, betul ke aku spelt namer dier nie?!).. between tis two, Sofyan was the one hu played better.. dier lah jugak yang scored both goals.. Woohoo!!.. for Rehan, i think he played the match.. but nvr get to see his good form..

Den after me n my brother reached home.. khusyuk seh berbual psl the match.. pasal tu lah, psl nie lah.. ( no need to say ah.. wait too long again.. hahaa..) he say maybe he wan to 'retire' from sch football.. sal his coach infavoured him.. juz bcoz of his small size.. tu psl tat time he onli entered the match during the 2nd half.. ish3.. kesian aku tgk dier.. tat night jugak he skip 120 times juz wan to make sure he become tall for the nxt match against Greenridge sec 2mr.. hahahaa.. tu baru dikatekan semangat.. (",)

Ok.. the bad news nxt..

u all remembered bout the sajak competition tat i was chosen?!.. out of the 13 students selected from my sch.. i was chosen as the vice-chairman.. lerr.. aper pulak aku.. takde orang lain ke?.. but nvm.. im still cool as always.. hahahaa..

NExt.. 2mr got 3 tests.. surely die one.. amath, physics n chemistry.. but rite now still can update my blog.. i was not supposed to play com u noe.. but nvm, juz bcoz for u all.. im willing to spend a 'little' time for tis.. hahaa..

So.. b4 i end today's entry.. juz to inform u all.. 2mr i got 4 important things to do.. n i hope u all pray for me k.. i need to make sure i...... ---->

- pass well for my amath test
- pass well for my chem test
- pass well for my physics test
- n finally... make sure i win 2mr's soccer match against Yusof Ishak Sec..

I really hope 2mr will win.. every match we have are important.. so, juz hope CCKSS soccer team will give their 110% 2mr.. n make sure all CCKSians come down n support thier team.. Come on guys.. I wan to see the CCKSS Wave!!..

Saturday, January 22, 2005

NÃtional University Of Singapore..

I went there for the first time in my life juz now in the morning. I had a seminar on the "sajak"(ehem?! i dunno how to translate for the non-malay.. can anybody help me?) competition that i am goin to participate in march.. it is goin to be an inter-sch competition.. die ah.. haha~

U noe why a not?!.. juz now all the fifthteen sch there at NUS are mostly the top schs dah..
-Anderson Sec
-Raffles Girls Sch

haha.. okok, not mostly.. some onli.. but at least the top 3 semua bagus2 seh.. i dunno if i can win.. but there no harm if i try.. rite?.. chill~ (",)

Friday, January 21, 2005

Today luckily all my tests get cancelled.. amath cancelled dunno due to wat.. den somemore chem test also cancelled.. ms chow was worried tat we cannot do the test so juz now we had our chem remedial instead of test.. useful though!!.. luckily the test nvr conduct today.. ~PheW!~

Den after sch, nearly the whole express malay boys, includin Harris n Kamen.. wen to play soccer at function hall.. We had our own team of 4.. and my grp members were syafiq, M Khairul, Khairul R(me) n Hafizudin..

last time our team used to be unbeatable.. everytime get to play one.. nvr being replaced by other teams.. juz now main bola mcam aper seh.. each time main.. mesti memang dulu.. den kalah the nxt match.. ish3.. but nvm.. takkan lah nak slalu menang kan.. bagi chance sikit lah.. hahahaaa!...... (",)

Juz now try to play like Shahril Ishak.. the No 17 Singapore footballer.. cool jek always when holding the ball.. i did my best though n i think i did well!.. hehe.. serious!!.. cool kan aku main?!.. relax je when under pressured... Chill~! hehehee...

btw.. forget to tell u all.. i get distinction for my 2nd amath test on monday.. 14/17.. alhamdullilah.. =P .. my prayers includin boon's one were anwered.. hehehee..

Oklah.. i go now.. need to watch sunset.. long time nvr see oreadi.. TaAz~!

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Chua Chu Kang Sec thrashed Zhenghua Sec four goals to nil, 2 goals in each half. It was a dominant win for CCKSS and the confidence of their players had been steadily increased since the pre-season started in the early december. Here's the CCKSS's results which they had achieved so far during the pre-season friendlies:-

-Chua Chu Kang Sec vs Kranji Sec --------- 4:2(WIN)
-Chua Chu Kang Sec vs Dunearn Sec ------- 3:2(WIN)
-Chua Chu Kang Sec vs Yusof Ishak Sec ---- 2:2(DRAW)
-Chua Chu Kang Sec vs Hua Yi Sec --------- 2:3(LOSE)
-Chua Chu Kang Sec vs Teck Whye Sec ---- 5:2(WIN)
-Chua Chu Kang Sec vs Zhenghua Sec ------ 4:0(WIN)

Overall: 4 Wins, 1 Draw, 1 Lose

How The Match Went

The first goal came in the 5th minute when Khairul Ruzaini managed to break the offside trap of the Zhenghua's defence. However, his shot hit the upper post and Hidayat scored from the rebound. The second goal came from the left flank in which Khairul Ruzaini sweetly crossed with his left foot to the edge of the six-yard box. Although there were at least four denfence guarding the penalty box, Faris managed to meet the ball and converted it to the back of the net.

In the second half, Khairul came close once more with a superb half-volley just outside the penalty box, however, this time it went over the bar. For the third time, Khairul Ruzaini assisted for his team's goals by curling a corner kick to Sufyan who met the ball in air and head it home. The fourth goal came through Hidayat, who round the goalkeper and scored with a tap-in, after a nice long pass from Sufyan. Although Zhenghua Sec finally placed thier first-11 team players in the second half, they did not have the sufficient time to catch up for at least a point.

Khairul Ruzaini
Wang Meng Meng

Monday, January 17, 2005


finally i got to taste the electrifying atmosphere of the 55,00 crowds at Kallang Stadium.. Gerek!!.. the last time i felt tis type of atmosphere was like 6 years ago.. tat was the time i went there for National Day Parade.. but tis is the first time i observed the whole nation came together to support their national soccer team against the fearsome indonesian team..

i went with my family n my COE soccer frens.. about 15 ppl altogther.. duduk kat depan skali.. we sat at the east gallery.. juz beside the indonesian stand..

befote the match.. i filled up 3/4 of my stomach by eating breads with sausages which my mother had smuggled quietly into the stadium.. haha.. den got tis man a.k.a devil- mask man in front of me.. he was making fool of himself seh.. memalukan jek!!..

The classic "Ole! Ole!" chants could be heard around the stadium.. chey!!.. mcam kat old trafford stadium.. haha.. so, aper lagik?!.. join in lah.. Ole!.. Ole!OLe!OLE!!!............. OLE!!!........ OLE!!!...

tak sempat nak rest skali si indra pulak score.. Woohoo!!.. lawa dok.. den he go to the corner flag and started to crawl like a baby.. with the rest joining in.. hahaha.. merepek seh.. tapi style jugak..

den in the 40th in i think.. si itimi dickson run from halfway field to the opponent corner line.. laju seh.. i wihs i were like him.. den he cross indra kene tackle.. nasib baik penalty.. si agu score penalty baik seh trick.. he tricked the gk as if he wanted to kick to the left skali ke right.. oklah.. boleh tahan skill..

When the final whistle was finally blown.. celebrate tak tentu arah seh.. mcam nak rak!!.. abeh si indonesian fans pun kene boo-ed.. terpakse lah dorang balik dgn hati terluke.. ish ish ish.. kecian dorang.. hahaha..

we left tat place kul 10 gitu den reach home kul 11... padahal naik kereta seh.. traffic jam dah..

den reach home baru nak start hw... haha.. baik ah khai... oklah..


Saturday, January 15, 2005

2day veri funny seh..

Me and my neighbours were playin soccer at the badminton court downstairs.. skali got tis old china man stop in front of us n started speakin chinese to us.. haha.. of course we dun understand wat he was sayin cause all of us were malays..

However.. yang peliknye, by concentratin hard on his sign languages.. we could understand wat he was sayin.. ( now i believe how powerful a language is.. hahahaa.) rupernye he wan to play soccer with us!!.. haha.. den he was sayin tat we better play monkey in the middle.. where the monkey need to intercept the ball.. the rest juz make a circle and pass the ball around..

He was the first one hu become the 'monkey'.. tapi yg kelakar nye.. he kene bully seh.. biase ah.. nak challenge ngan budak2 yg dah biase main bola.. haha.. but finally he intercepted my ball n dan dah nasib aku pulak kene jadi monyet..

In this paragraph is where i learnt my lesson of the day.. " NEVER JUGDE THE BOOK BY ITS COVER"..

U noe WHY?!.. if im goin to tell u tis.. pls dun surprise..

Tat old man mcam RONALDINHO!!.. juggle bola mcam tak de apaper seh.. ish ish.. kepale boleh.. right leg boleh.. left leg PUN boleh.. ish ish ish.. baik dok.. but soon after tat he 'says' tat he got flute lesson.. rupernye dier cikgu musik dah.. sedih tgk dier pegi.. =_=


Friday, January 14, 2005

The Rise Of CCKSS

Chua Chu Kang Sec won Teck Whye Sec 5-2 this afternoon in a thrilling match at Old Trafford Stadium. Not surprsingly, the stadium was entirely packed by 65,000 die-hard fans. In the first half, Teck Whye Sec was over-confident and they made a grave mistake by fielding their 3rd First-11. The match was played up to a special 3rd half. In as early as 2 minutes, Safiee, CCK left midfielder, scored with his left foot from outside the penalty box. Khairul Ruzaini, their key midfielder, made a dazzling solo move from the right flank but the finish let him down, as he chipped the ball to high up and went over the crossbar. Khairul came close too in the 63 minute from a dangerous cross, whereby he sweetly volleyed inside the six-yard box, only managed to see the ball travelled just an inch above the top bar. Safiee doubled his goal tally in the 65th minute after he outjumped the Teck Whye's defence and head the ball home which past the helpess TWS goalkeeper, Keith. Yusof, CCk speedy stiker, struck the third goal after a blunder short pass by Keith. Yusri made it fourth from a long range effort, outside the penalty box.

Tight-contested 3rd Half

Teck Whye finally lose their patience and decided to field all their first team squad in the third half. However, CCk struck their fifth goal from Hidayat after a long nice pass from Shahrizal. It was then the match started to get more rowdy. More players getting injured from both side and tackings were hard everywhere on the pitch. Teck Whye finally had their break from Ajul, Teck Whye's first signing from Kranji Sec, who did not disappoint his new team by taking his chances well, rounding past the goalkeeper, and scored from a simple tap-in. 10 minutes to the end of the game, CCk finally rested thier first team players, replacing them with several fresh legs from the bench. Teck Whye pulled a lifeline in the 92th minute through Ajul again, but was sure too late for them.

A New Battle Will Begin

For the upcoming inter-school soccer tournament, Chua Chua Kang sec was grouped with the likes of Yusof Isyak Sec, GreenRidge Sec, Bukit Batok Sec, Zhenghua Sec and not to forget Teck Whye Sec. Thier ways of playing football maybe different, but they have one common goal, to book their place in the Top Two. If they do settle in that two top positons, then, they will automatically chosen for the Nationals. Lets the battle begins...

Reported By:
Khairul Ruzaini
Ernest Luis

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Finally gotten my retest paper.. guess wat?!.. i finally get distinction for it.. hehe.. 12/14.. if not full marks oreadi. Unluckily, got one tis careless mistake.. very stupid one.. ish ish ish.. wasted..

2mr goin to have 2hours of emath.. mati aku!.. somemore, got amath class test again.. harap2 tis time i get distinction.. lower den tat, i need to take retest AGAIN.. worse still if i failed the retest, get out from the class..

Darn!.. sumthin wrong with my tagboard.. sori guys.. need to check the website. I think there's sumthin wrong with it..

Pray for me k for 2mr's test!..

May Allah protect me from any circumstances that i may face 2mr..

Monday, January 10, 2005


Today juz took my amath retest.. hoping 2mr i get a good news for tat, n make sure i managed to get my seat in the class...

If i were to follow last year's way of learning.. i think rite now i become the most OUTstanding student oreadi in my class.. Hope 2mr nth happen to me..

After sch, i went to play soccer with my soccer freinds.. oklah.. i think i scored several goals.. hehe.. milestone ah!!.. scored i think more than 5.. gerek.. tapi of coz penat ah.. den, went home with daniel.. talk craps all the way home.. si jannah n gang pun ader sesat dlm bus 307.. hahaha.. maaf yer!..

2day got lots of hw.. luckily at sch managed to finish 40% of it.. now goin to do 60% of it.. oklah, goin to do my hw now.. pray for me k?!.. hope i 2mr nvr kena sent out of class.. =_=

May Allah protect me from any circumstances that i may face 2mr..

Sunday, January 09, 2005

i decided to post tis sad story of mine which happened about last week..

there's tis ice-cream man hu always sell his ice-cream under my block, where he used his motorcycle as his transport.. he would always rang the bell to alert us tat he had arrived.. me n siblings r quite close to him cause we often bought ice-creams from him. My neighbours, hazwan n daniel were also close to him. We would always disturb him n make things fun n enjoyable for all of us.

But unfortunately.. tragedy struck him. Tat fateful day, he went to cck hill to plucked up some herbs which he thought could cure his child, hu neither could talk or walk. But in the process, he falled n died.

In a memory of this ice-cream man, i decided to dedicate today's post for him. May his soul rest in peace.

Yo.. Since i got nothing to do.. i decided to post some of my Hari Raya 04 photos here.. so.. take good look k?.. TaAz~!!

me n atiqah.. dun worry, not my girlfriend..

Monyetnya kok besar gitu!!

.....::::: At Nasrun's house :::::.....

Yeah~!.. Tats me..

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Surprisingly today woke up at 1pm. Dunno wat happen. I was having a nice dream.. dunno bout wat, but i noe it was a nice dream. HEhe..

I went to tech whye sec for my sis sec 1 orientation camp, accompanying my family there. We went to the hall where the sec 1s were having a good time( should be lah..) participating in the cheering competition. My sis class came out 2nd. Really can't believe.. cheering like wat also can win.. haha. There was a malay dance performance i spotted my pri sch long lost yuhua pri fren, amirah. Not surprising tat she is very very small.. mcam budak pri sch seh.. hehe.. sori ehk?!.. main2 jek.. *PeAce No WaR*

We went for cca tour around the sch and i saw syafiq's younger brother.. si abg cakap mcam dier dtg jek.. pelil pelik.. invisble kot?!..

My aunt had a kenduri at her house as her son ( which is my cuzin).. had juz came back from Bandar Aceh.. he was from the D.A.R.T team and he was posted there to retrieve the bodies. ish ish ish.. teruk dah kerje dier..

he told me the experience he had there.. Everythin was totally 'Ground Zero'. Nth left there except for the debris and the dead bodies. It was like a desert full of corpses. The atmosphere there was eerily quiet n extraordianry humid. Food was scarce for them. Bread n sardine was good enough for them. He even gave up his food to those who was dying of starvation. One thing which was good was that they found alot of valuables, but he told me that they did not have the intention to bring it home. He whispered to the dead bodies, " Im not taking your valuable for myself, im giving it to others who need it more than i do." He kept the valuables in a bottle and distrubuted it to the children, crying and weeping, at the side of the road.In his surprise, the children stopped crying and instead, they started jumping for joy. It was of course touching to obesrve it. When it was time to go home, his Unit refused. They felt sympathized for the victims and willing to have a longer stay there to clear out the place. However, they eventually send back home. He was still traumatised by the horrific scene.

ish ish ish.. kesian cerita dier eh?!.. we r lucky to be in Spore.. i cant ask for any better.. we need to be grateful for wat we had now.. family, frens and our valuables which we cannot live without.. so, if u really feel for those tsunami victims.. pls do me a favour can?

Do feel free to write me a testimonial can? hahaha.. oklah.. juz kiddin, i juz wan u all to pray fro them.. the least u can do is to attend the memorial service 2mr at Expo.. can?

oklah.. i stop here.. today very formal ah my writing.. haha.. pelik pelik.. oklah, TaAz~!!.. (",)

Friday, January 07, 2005

Wad the?!..

my amath flops.. really disappointed with my myself for not takin the test seriously.. well, i think
i need a pledge for myself.. here it goes..

Im, Khairul Ruzaini
Vowing to myself that i will take everything seriously
Never take things for granted
No matter how easy or tough it is
And make sure im happy with the outcomes

hehe.. acceptable anot?.. oklah, sweet n simple.. (",)

Im having arguably the worst day of my life.. after getting my disgraceful amath results, my math teacher/form teacher, Mrs Phillip.. gave me a stern warning tat if monday i were to flop my retest.. for sure im goin out of class for the rest of my life in sec 4..( haha.. nolah, not tat violent.. onli until i can cope with the topic..)

tat time i was thinkin to myself tat she should understand me better rite? i was very busy tis week.. sec 1 orientation lah.. soccer training 3 times a week lah.. well, its fine with me.. no hard feelings.. hehe.. chill dude~!! (",)

Surprisingly.. i was also kena scolded by Ah Seng( my soccer coach).. during the warm ups for the friendly match against Hua Yi.. i passed the ball weakly(due to my injury at my left ankle) and out from nowhere.. he screamed at me n threatened me tat he will throw his shoe at me.. violent seh!!.. haha.. but still no hard feelings.. chill dude~! (",)

The match against Hua YI was sikit lebih kurang like Spore vs Myanmar.. disgraceful man!!.. but can also considered it as a padan muke to Ah Seng.. haha.. sori coach.. there's tis chinese player from Hua Yi tackled 3 teammates of mine recklessly.. Ah seng was the referee n so, he called up the boy n started shouting at him.. but wat makes me surprise was tat.. the boy started to shout back at him!!.. of course Ah Seng was caught offguard n decided to sent off the boy.. but the boy refused.. hahaha.. nice way to retaliate him man!!.. hahahahaha.. i was 50-50 thankful to tat boy for making him angry cause in the first place i was also kena scolded during the warm up.. padan muke si ah seng.. (hehe.. si khai nie pun jahat eh.. haha.. )

Ah Seng was paiseh of course bcoz the boy doesnt listen to him.. n so he continued the match.. it was a tough-tacklin match n the half time score: 3:2.. ( they were lucky to lead the match..)

We entered the canteen for water cooler during tat break. Tat time muster parade also juz ended n most of them in the canteen saw our muram faces while lining up for the water cooler..
hahaha.. tat time too, most of us were cursing the Hua Yi players for playing roughly.. ish ish ish..

The 2nd half was a tight match.. where both teams still continue their rough-tacking tactics.. it ended stalemate n finally the score reamined 3-2.. we can considered urself unlucky to be on the losing side.. haha.. really!.. im saying the truth.. u believe me anot?!

reachin home, i realised tat i was late for the bursary/scholarship ceremony.. cepat2 lah mandi abeden.. lucky the place juz beside my house.. unity sec.. hehe.. reachin there still ramai orang n after a 15 minutes wait.. i finally got my $250 bursary..(bursary onli lah.. im not tat clever.. haha..)

I met some of my unity frens n they forced me to play street soccer.. there's one boy, nizam, they called him "Unity Maradona".. i played against him with my left ankle still injured..he was skillful though.. but im better.. ( hehe.. perasan seh khai).. oklah, i admit, i was playin simple football tat time so i didn't run all the time.. (in case u dunno, my left ankle was injured).. tats y he lepaskan me easily.. (",).. hehe..

i went home soon after my ankle start to swollen badly n the match finally ended at 3-3.. ish ish ish.. kesian si khai nie..

oklah, tats the end of my friday.. TaAz~!!.. =P

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


its been a tiring day for me.. 2 hours of amath tis morning.. mrs phillips somemore.. every wednesday somemore.. more lectures somemore.. more sending off somemore..

one of my classmate( not naming to protect his/her identity) kena send out from class juz bcoz he forget to write down one of the formulas for 'Differentation' ( one of the most complex topic in amath).. ish ish ish.. when can she stop sending out students?!..

Lucky, or to a certain extent unlucky.. i studied tat topic for 1 1/2hr instead of 2... need to do lower sec recess duty.. apedah!.. everytime rely on me.. takde orang lain per?!

I took charge of class 1/4.. ingatkan ader mly.. skali takde langsung dok.. semua india n chinese.. pelik pelik.. ader si tamil ni byk mulut dah.. mcam nak kene dari aku je.. si jannah pun benci tapi lei join sekaki ngan dier dan panggil aku 'DiaperBoy'.. =_=

( so.. wat do u think how i feel rite now?!... )

Actually today im very excited.. cause for the first time wed is made as CCA day.. kecoh seh.. soccer pun ader.. Gerek! Si Aseng tak datang.. abeden Mr Lee n Mr Kong asked me to take charge.. Woohoo!.. rase mcam aku coach seh.. ingatkan nak terus 2-a-side.. skali both of them wanted us to polish on ur fitness.. kene lari 5 rounds around the field.. first two round we were supposed to finish 1 1/2 mins per round.. bout we were better den tat.. bisae ah.. saper coach dier?!.. hahaha.. but wen they asked we all to round another 3 rounds consecutively in 3mins, semua mcam nak pitam.. satu-satu ketinggalan blakang.. haha.. btw, want to noe hows our timing for tat?!!.. 3 min 22 s.. clearly can tell tat everyone not fit.. haha..

we had some sprintings b4 we finally start on our 2-a-side, which we had been looking forward too.. 3 teams, 11 players each.. the first 2 teams had a fierce fight b4 it ended at 1-1.. my team against one of team after tat match and we won 1-0.. defence solid ah!!..

tis fri got friendly match.. against Hua Yi Sec.. at Time:4.30pm Venue: CCKSS Stadium.. go watch n support us k.. may the best team win.. Selamtz!.. (",)

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

the future generation to come is goin to spoil soon.. yeah, very soon.. sooN.. sOON.. SOON...

ader ke patut the sec 1s tis year panggil khai, the one n onli ni... 'DiaperBoy'?!!!.. kurang asam betul.. dorang memang patut ditambahkan asam.. kalau tak cukup pun garam pun jadilah.. ader pulak.. improvise namer tu jadi "Doctor Diaper".. creative jugak dorang, yang baru je berusia 2 hari.. belum hidup lamer kat secondary life dah nak cari nahas.. nanti korang!! (hehe.. chill, tu baru achar sikit je.. hahaha..)

if yoou have any queries on the above paragraph, please approach jannah for the full story on how the it started.. malas ah nak explain..

the onli thing i can tell u is tat it started when i was playing a game with them..

Nak gi buat hw ah.. math on 'Binomial Expansion" is havent finish since dec holiday.. rajin khai.. sungguh- menyungguh sgt dier rajin.. 2 months pun tak cukup.. lets get on it. On Your Mark. Get Set. Go!..

Saturday, January 01, 2005

So.. its past the new year ah.. by 4 hours 15mins.. darn!.. nvr get to wish u all a happy new year..

tis afternoon.. after my friday prayers, thought of meeting haryana.. but she cancelled it last minute due to some last minute change of plan.. ( Oouhh.. kesian khai...) but nvm.. hehe.. nxt time still can meet up..

since it was cancelled, we(khairul, khairul n syafiq) when to beach road to buy wat ah?!.. oh ya.. improvise on syafiq's sch pants.. he wanted soo much to shorten his pants.. terlebih panjang kot.. the tailor ask to come back in 1 hour's time.. coincidentally i was so giddy tat time( dunno y.. maybe bcoz of playin com to much).. we decided to go n eat first at ground floor of beach road.. thinkin of eatin sup tulang.. but better still black pepper chicken rice.. recommendation from khairul.. but luckily sedap.. YUMMIE!!.. si syafiq was soo kind tat he blanja both of us, (includin himself) a cup of sugar cane.. but the pelik thing is tat.. he nvr drank sugar cane b4..( well, i mean b4 he ordered tat lah).. pelik pelik.. =_=

den si syafiq wanted to buy a bag which he said tat it was eye-catchin .. and it was at BUGIS.. terpakse lah.. follow him there.. but b4 tat, we were watin for bus 7, berejam dok!.. rase nak balik tu ader.. but i persevered again.. tryin not to giv up.. n FINALLY the bus pun DOESNT ARRIVE.. sabar kha.. ok, as it was 1 hour pass oreadi.. we left tat bus stop n collected the newly-improvised school pants.. *Cheers*..

we went back tot he bus stop n tis time we were lucky enough.. bus dtg on the spot.. ( errr.. tat is unrealistic.. oklah, it came 5 minutes after we reach tat bus stop).. reachin at the bugis.. si khai tu wanted to take a photo of a poster of severals football player n save it to his hp.. but paiseh to take it.. lucky our Syafiq a.k.a size badan samer mcam Mr Incredible.. help to take it.. still in the journey thru the bugis mall, si syafiq plak saw SLYVESTER ( =_=).. can somebody scream for him at least?.. kesian dok aku tgk dier.. but the another pelik thing is tat.. si syafiq didn't recognise him.. ( err... den how he knew tat it was HIM actually?!.. unbelievable?!.. believe it.. * accordin to sayfiq source* he describe us tat sylvester was hiding his identity partially coverin his face usin a cap.. its up to u to guess whether tis is reliable or not.. )..

oh well.. we went to the bugis junction n syafiq showed us the 'eye-catchin' bag.. haha.. very 'nice' man.. totally 'the best' for him.. he bought the bag at a tawar nye price.. in the process of tat.. khai scouted a 'pretty' girl n dared me to ask for her hp no.. haha.. u look at my face!!.. u think i got the *erm*( courage lah.. dun think dirty) to ask tat kind of question to such a 'pretty' girl ah.. haha..

we went to KFC to buy some food for khai's grandmother which she had gave him money to buy.. ( surprised ah?!.. his grandma really follow nowadays trends.. haha).. i was the one hu help to queue n buy the food.. but when it was my turn.. tis chinese middle-aged man.. cut thru the whole queue( includin me..) n started ordering.. (khai.. sabar lagik khai..).. i was stunned of course.. n si syafiq n khai started laughin.. ( khai.. SABAR!!..).. lucky i gave him chance.. if not?!!.. haha.. nth happen of course..

goin home was the troublesome part.. si syafiq wanted to take the mrt.. n so i am.. but khai urged us to follow him back to BP n take bus 960 instead.. we had at least 15 mins of 'debate' b4 decided to follow him.. pity man i see his face.. give chance again.. in the bus, we had our sufferings.. me n khai were frozen to death.. full- force air con + the juz finish raining.. COOL MAN( aik?! juz like the brand ah.. COOLMAN..).. on the other hand, si syafiq was thick-skinned man.. doesnt felt cold at all.. pelik again.. =_= finally reachin BP.. we went our separate ways.. Khai decided not goin to BP shoppin centre( kurang asam betul!).. n me n syafiq went home by LRT..

Reachin home.. my mother told me tat my cuzin, who is married but still young, had a bbq open house at her house.. we reach there at 9.30pm.. sleepy oreadi but luckily at time got a few women ( i dunno hu they r.. probably my cuzin's fren..) waitin for me.. hehe( perasan seh khai.. ) .. they were sittin at the living room and i shake hands with them.. ( yalah.. they were about 25 years old.. all married somemore.. respect ah them)..

However, i was so paiseh( includin flattered.. hehe) when my cuzin asked them whether i am ganteng( indon word stands for handsome).. haha.. MALU!!!.. (ok, where im goin to hide my face now?!!).. haha.. oklah.. luckily they i say im handsome.. ( hehe.. *cheers again!!!*) i was so scared tat they husband might came after me.. haha.. if like tat was to happen, i dunno wat to say..................

ok, now can say oreadi.. i ate alot tat time cause very hungry oreadi.. since in the afternoon eat the chicken rice at Beach Road.. we also need to bbq our own chicken wings.. ( apedah..) n when the clock strikes 12.. my crazy sis + plus my young cuzins screamin to the whole block.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!.. like karang guni pulak.. paiseh seh lookin at them... lucky got time to hid my face usin the fan which i used it to fanned the chicken wings.. haha.. i was also very naughty tat time.. dunno y.. i played with the fire n burn the fire starter.. best seH!.. and my other younger cuzins join tgk.. haha.. teach them how to play fire.. he.. he.. he..

we reach home at around 2.. as i was not sleepy.. i decided to play com.. and until now.. look at the time.. its 5.57am oreadi... crazy ah khai.. sch nak reopen still can be awake at tis time.. oklah.. TaAz!!.. (",)