Saturday, January 08, 2005

Surprisingly today woke up at 1pm. Dunno wat happen. I was having a nice dream.. dunno bout wat, but i noe it was a nice dream. HEhe..

I went to tech whye sec for my sis sec 1 orientation camp, accompanying my family there. We went to the hall where the sec 1s were having a good time( should be lah..) participating in the cheering competition. My sis class came out 2nd. Really can't believe.. cheering like wat also can win.. haha. There was a malay dance performance i spotted my pri sch long lost yuhua pri fren, amirah. Not surprising tat she is very very small.. mcam budak pri sch seh.. hehe.. sori ehk?!.. main2 jek.. *PeAce No WaR*

We went for cca tour around the sch and i saw syafiq's younger brother.. si abg cakap mcam dier dtg jek.. pelil pelik.. invisble kot?!..

My aunt had a kenduri at her house as her son ( which is my cuzin).. had juz came back from Bandar Aceh.. he was from the D.A.R.T team and he was posted there to retrieve the bodies. ish ish ish.. teruk dah kerje dier..

he told me the experience he had there.. Everythin was totally 'Ground Zero'. Nth left there except for the debris and the dead bodies. It was like a desert full of corpses. The atmosphere there was eerily quiet n extraordianry humid. Food was scarce for them. Bread n sardine was good enough for them. He even gave up his food to those who was dying of starvation. One thing which was good was that they found alot of valuables, but he told me that they did not have the intention to bring it home. He whispered to the dead bodies, " Im not taking your valuable for myself, im giving it to others who need it more than i do." He kept the valuables in a bottle and distrubuted it to the children, crying and weeping, at the side of the road.In his surprise, the children stopped crying and instead, they started jumping for joy. It was of course touching to obesrve it. When it was time to go home, his Unit refused. They felt sympathized for the victims and willing to have a longer stay there to clear out the place. However, they eventually send back home. He was still traumatised by the horrific scene.

ish ish ish.. kesian cerita dier eh?!.. we r lucky to be in Spore.. i cant ask for any better.. we need to be grateful for wat we had now.. family, frens and our valuables which we cannot live without.. so, if u really feel for those tsunami victims.. pls do me a favour can?

Do feel free to write me a testimonial can? hahaha.. oklah.. juz kiddin, i juz wan u all to pray fro them.. the least u can do is to attend the memorial service 2mr at Expo.. can?

oklah.. i stop here.. today very formal ah my writing.. haha.. pelik pelik.. oklah, TaAz~!!.. (",)

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