Saturday, January 01, 2005

So.. its past the new year ah.. by 4 hours 15mins.. darn!.. nvr get to wish u all a happy new year..

tis afternoon.. after my friday prayers, thought of meeting haryana.. but she cancelled it last minute due to some last minute change of plan.. ( Oouhh.. kesian khai...) but nvm.. hehe.. nxt time still can meet up..

since it was cancelled, we(khairul, khairul n syafiq) when to beach road to buy wat ah?!.. oh ya.. improvise on syafiq's sch pants.. he wanted soo much to shorten his pants.. terlebih panjang kot.. the tailor ask to come back in 1 hour's time.. coincidentally i was so giddy tat time( dunno y.. maybe bcoz of playin com to much).. we decided to go n eat first at ground floor of beach road.. thinkin of eatin sup tulang.. but better still black pepper chicken rice.. recommendation from khairul.. but luckily sedap.. YUMMIE!!.. si syafiq was soo kind tat he blanja both of us, (includin himself) a cup of sugar cane.. but the pelik thing is tat.. he nvr drank sugar cane b4..( well, i mean b4 he ordered tat lah).. pelik pelik.. =_=

den si syafiq wanted to buy a bag which he said tat it was eye-catchin .. and it was at BUGIS.. terpakse lah.. follow him there.. but b4 tat, we were watin for bus 7, berejam dok!.. rase nak balik tu ader.. but i persevered again.. tryin not to giv up.. n FINALLY the bus pun DOESNT ARRIVE.. sabar kha.. ok, as it was 1 hour pass oreadi.. we left tat bus stop n collected the newly-improvised school pants.. *Cheers*..

we went back tot he bus stop n tis time we were lucky enough.. bus dtg on the spot.. ( errr.. tat is unrealistic.. oklah, it came 5 minutes after we reach tat bus stop).. reachin at the bugis.. si khai tu wanted to take a photo of a poster of severals football player n save it to his hp.. but paiseh to take it.. lucky our Syafiq a.k.a size badan samer mcam Mr Incredible.. help to take it.. still in the journey thru the bugis mall, si syafiq plak saw SLYVESTER ( =_=).. can somebody scream for him at least?.. kesian dok aku tgk dier.. but the another pelik thing is tat.. si syafiq didn't recognise him.. ( err... den how he knew tat it was HIM actually?!.. unbelievable?!.. believe it.. * accordin to sayfiq source* he describe us tat sylvester was hiding his identity partially coverin his face usin a cap.. its up to u to guess whether tis is reliable or not.. )..

oh well.. we went to the bugis junction n syafiq showed us the 'eye-catchin' bag.. haha.. very 'nice' man.. totally 'the best' for him.. he bought the bag at a tawar nye price.. in the process of tat.. khai scouted a 'pretty' girl n dared me to ask for her hp no.. haha.. u look at my face!!.. u think i got the *erm*( courage lah.. dun think dirty) to ask tat kind of question to such a 'pretty' girl ah.. haha..

we went to KFC to buy some food for khai's grandmother which she had gave him money to buy.. ( surprised ah?!.. his grandma really follow nowadays trends.. haha).. i was the one hu help to queue n buy the food.. but when it was my turn.. tis chinese middle-aged man.. cut thru the whole queue( includin me..) n started ordering.. (khai.. sabar lagik khai..).. i was stunned of course.. n si syafiq n khai started laughin.. ( khai.. SABAR!!..).. lucky i gave him chance.. if not?!!.. haha.. nth happen of course..

goin home was the troublesome part.. si syafiq wanted to take the mrt.. n so i am.. but khai urged us to follow him back to BP n take bus 960 instead.. we had at least 15 mins of 'debate' b4 decided to follow him.. pity man i see his face.. give chance again.. in the bus, we had our sufferings.. me n khai were frozen to death.. full- force air con + the juz finish raining.. COOL MAN( aik?! juz like the brand ah.. COOLMAN..).. on the other hand, si syafiq was thick-skinned man.. doesnt felt cold at all.. pelik again.. =_= finally reachin BP.. we went our separate ways.. Khai decided not goin to BP shoppin centre( kurang asam betul!).. n me n syafiq went home by LRT..

Reachin home.. my mother told me tat my cuzin, who is married but still young, had a bbq open house at her house.. we reach there at 9.30pm.. sleepy oreadi but luckily at time got a few women ( i dunno hu they r.. probably my cuzin's fren..) waitin for me.. hehe( perasan seh khai.. ) .. they were sittin at the living room and i shake hands with them.. ( yalah.. they were about 25 years old.. all married somemore.. respect ah them)..

However, i was so paiseh( includin flattered.. hehe) when my cuzin asked them whether i am ganteng( indon word stands for handsome).. haha.. MALU!!!.. (ok, where im goin to hide my face now?!!).. haha.. oklah.. luckily they i say im handsome.. ( hehe.. *cheers again!!!*) i was so scared tat they husband might came after me.. haha.. if like tat was to happen, i dunno wat to say..................

ok, now can say oreadi.. i ate alot tat time cause very hungry oreadi.. since in the afternoon eat the chicken rice at Beach Road.. we also need to bbq our own chicken wings.. ( apedah..) n when the clock strikes 12.. my crazy sis + plus my young cuzins screamin to the whole block.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!.. like karang guni pulak.. paiseh seh lookin at them... lucky got time to hid my face usin the fan which i used it to fanned the chicken wings.. haha.. i was also very naughty tat time.. dunno y.. i played with the fire n burn the fire starter.. best seH!.. and my other younger cuzins join tgk.. haha.. teach them how to play fire.. he.. he.. he..

we reach home at around 2.. as i was not sleepy.. i decided to play com.. and until now.. look at the time.. its 5.57am oreadi... crazy ah khai.. sch nak reopen still can be awake at tis time.. oklah.. TaAz!!.. (",)

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