Saturday, January 15, 2005

2day veri funny seh..

Me and my neighbours were playin soccer at the badminton court downstairs.. skali got tis old china man stop in front of us n started speakin chinese to us.. haha.. of course we dun understand wat he was sayin cause all of us were malays..

However.. yang peliknye, by concentratin hard on his sign languages.. we could understand wat he was sayin.. ( now i believe how powerful a language is.. hahahaa.) rupernye he wan to play soccer with us!!.. haha.. den he was sayin tat we better play monkey in the middle.. where the monkey need to intercept the ball.. the rest juz make a circle and pass the ball around..

He was the first one hu become the 'monkey'.. tapi yg kelakar nye.. he kene bully seh.. biase ah.. nak challenge ngan budak2 yg dah biase main bola.. haha.. but finally he intercepted my ball n dan dah nasib aku pulak kene jadi monyet..

In this paragraph is where i learnt my lesson of the day.. " NEVER JUGDE THE BOOK BY ITS COVER"..

U noe WHY?!.. if im goin to tell u tis.. pls dun surprise..

Tat old man mcam RONALDINHO!!.. juggle bola mcam tak de apaper seh.. ish ish.. kepale boleh.. right leg boleh.. left leg PUN boleh.. ish ish ish.. baik dok.. but soon after tat he 'says' tat he got flute lesson.. rupernye dier cikgu musik dah.. sedih tgk dier pegi.. =_=


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