Tuesday, January 04, 2005

the future generation to come is goin to spoil soon.. yeah, very soon.. sooN.. sOON.. SOON...

ader ke patut the sec 1s tis year panggil khai, the one n onli ni... 'DiaperBoy'?!!!.. kurang asam betul.. dorang memang patut ditambahkan asam.. kalau tak cukup pun garam pun jadilah.. ader pulak.. improvise namer tu jadi "Doctor Diaper".. creative jugak dorang, yang baru je berusia 2 hari.. belum hidup lamer kat secondary life dah nak cari nahas.. nanti korang!! (hehe.. chill, tu baru achar sikit je.. hahaha..)

if yoou have any queries on the above paragraph, please approach jannah for the full story on how the it started.. malas ah nak explain..

the onli thing i can tell u is tat it started when i was playing a game with them..

Nak gi buat hw ah.. math on 'Binomial Expansion" is havent finish since dec holiday.. rajin khai.. sungguh- menyungguh sgt dier rajin.. 2 months pun tak cukup.. lets get on it. On Your Mark. Get Set. Go!..

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