Friday, January 21, 2005

Today luckily all my tests get cancelled.. amath cancelled dunno due to wat.. den somemore chem test also cancelled.. ms chow was worried tat we cannot do the test so juz now we had our chem remedial instead of test.. useful though!!.. luckily the test nvr conduct today.. ~PheW!~

Den after sch, nearly the whole express malay boys, includin Harris n Kamen.. wen to play soccer at function hall.. We had our own team of 4.. and my grp members were syafiq, M Khairul, Khairul R(me) n Hafizudin..

last time our team used to be unbeatable.. everytime get to play one.. nvr being replaced by other teams.. juz now main bola mcam aper seh.. each time main.. mesti memang dulu.. den kalah the nxt match.. ish3.. but nvm.. takkan lah nak slalu menang kan.. bagi chance sikit lah.. hahahaaa!...... (",)

Juz now try to play like Shahril Ishak.. the No 17 Singapore footballer.. cool jek always when holding the ball.. i did my best though n i think i did well!.. hehe.. serious!!.. cool kan aku main?!.. relax je when under pressured... Chill~! hehehee...

btw.. forget to tell u all.. i get distinction for my 2nd amath test on monday.. 14/17.. alhamdullilah.. =P .. my prayers includin boon's one were anwered.. hehehee..

Oklah.. i go now.. need to watch sunset.. long time nvr see oreadi.. TaAz~!

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