Thursday, January 27, 2005

Let me say the good news first.......

We finally won teck whye sec 2-1... surprise??!!!.. Yeah, im also surprise.. really can't believe tat we won teck whye.They were 3rd in the Nationals last year. It was indeed a tough match though. I think for tat match itself.. i covered the longest distance ever!!... lari saner, lari sini.. mcm byk stamina gitu. The atmosphere was so tense seh tat time.. mcam kat battlefield.. asyik gaduh n injured je.. but bcoz of our strong winning mentality.. hehe.. we managed to get away with the three points..

Yang kelakar nye pulak.. for the first time.. i had to face my younger brader face to face.. coincidentally, our positions meant to meet each other.. he was payin left midfield n i was playin right midfield.. haha.. merepek seh.. i tried not to let him come near me, so i constantly pushed him away.. tapi lincah ah dier.. asyik lari daripade aku jek.. haha.. but no matter wats.. the msg behind it is ...
HE MAY BE GOOD.. BUT IM BETTER... ( hahahaa... eksyen pulak khai.. mentang2 dah menang..)

Den.. si Ali n Ajul( braders jugak in the match.. kembar lagik) dua2 dari twss.. form seh dorang!! lari laju dok.. somemore si Ali made two shots.. dua2 kene top crossbar.. hahaa.. can say tat was unlucky.. but si Ajul pulak scores the equaliser b4 we scored back to win 2-1.. but one thing to say.. attitude seh dier.. haha ( maaf yer Ajul!.. haha..) asyik nak carik gaduh jek.. relax ah brader.. jadi mcam aku.. cool je sentiase.. hahahaaa...

Den there's another adik bradik in the field.. tis two brothers pun against each other.. they are Sofyan(CCKSS) n Rehan(TWSS.. btw, betul ke aku spelt namer dier nie?!).. between tis two, Sofyan was the one hu played better.. dier lah jugak yang scored both goals.. Woohoo!!.. for Rehan, i think he played the match.. but nvr get to see his good form..

Den after me n my brother reached home.. khusyuk seh berbual psl the match.. pasal tu lah, psl nie lah.. ( no need to say ah.. wait too long again.. hahaa..) he say maybe he wan to 'retire' from sch football.. sal his coach infavoured him.. juz bcoz of his small size.. tu psl tat time he onli entered the match during the 2nd half.. ish3.. kesian aku tgk dier.. tat night jugak he skip 120 times juz wan to make sure he become tall for the nxt match against Greenridge sec 2mr.. hahahaa.. tu baru dikatekan semangat.. (",)

Ok.. the bad news nxt..

u all remembered bout the sajak competition tat i was chosen?!.. out of the 13 students selected from my sch.. i was chosen as the vice-chairman.. lerr.. aper pulak aku.. takde orang lain ke?.. but nvm.. im still cool as always.. hahahaa..

NExt.. 2mr got 3 tests.. surely die one.. amath, physics n chemistry.. but rite now still can update my blog.. i was not supposed to play com u noe.. but nvm, juz bcoz for u all.. im willing to spend a 'little' time for tis.. hahaa..

So.. b4 i end today's entry.. juz to inform u all.. 2mr i got 4 important things to do.. n i hope u all pray for me k.. i need to make sure i...... ---->

- pass well for my amath test
- pass well for my chem test
- pass well for my physics test
- n finally... make sure i win 2mr's soccer match against Yusof Ishak Sec..

I really hope 2mr will win.. every match we have are important.. so, juz hope CCKSS soccer team will give their 110% 2mr.. n make sure all CCKSians come down n support thier team.. Come on guys.. I wan to see the CCKSS Wave!!..

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