Monday, January 10, 2005


Today juz took my amath retest.. hoping 2mr i get a good news for tat, n make sure i managed to get my seat in the class...

If i were to follow last year's way of learning.. i think rite now i become the most OUTstanding student oreadi in my class.. Hope 2mr nth happen to me..

After sch, i went to play soccer with my soccer freinds.. oklah.. i think i scored several goals.. hehe.. milestone ah!!.. scored i think more than 5.. gerek.. tapi of coz penat ah.. den, went home with daniel.. talk craps all the way home.. si jannah n gang pun ader sesat dlm bus 307.. hahaha.. maaf yer!..

2day got lots of hw.. luckily at sch managed to finish 40% of it.. now goin to do 60% of it.. oklah, goin to do my hw now.. pray for me k?!.. hope i 2mr nvr kena sent out of class.. =_=

May Allah protect me from any circumstances that i may face 2mr..

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