Friday, January 07, 2005

Wad the?!..

my amath flops.. really disappointed with my myself for not takin the test seriously.. well, i think
i need a pledge for myself.. here it goes..

Im, Khairul Ruzaini
Vowing to myself that i will take everything seriously
Never take things for granted
No matter how easy or tough it is
And make sure im happy with the outcomes

hehe.. acceptable anot?.. oklah, sweet n simple.. (",)

Im having arguably the worst day of my life.. after getting my disgraceful amath results, my math teacher/form teacher, Mrs Phillip.. gave me a stern warning tat if monday i were to flop my retest.. for sure im goin out of class for the rest of my life in sec 4..( haha.. nolah, not tat violent.. onli until i can cope with the topic..)

tat time i was thinkin to myself tat she should understand me better rite? i was very busy tis week.. sec 1 orientation lah.. soccer training 3 times a week lah.. well, its fine with me.. no hard feelings.. hehe.. chill dude~!! (",)

Surprisingly.. i was also kena scolded by Ah Seng( my soccer coach).. during the warm ups for the friendly match against Hua Yi.. i passed the ball weakly(due to my injury at my left ankle) and out from nowhere.. he screamed at me n threatened me tat he will throw his shoe at me.. violent seh!!.. haha.. but still no hard feelings.. chill dude~! (",)

The match against Hua YI was sikit lebih kurang like Spore vs Myanmar.. disgraceful man!!.. but can also considered it as a padan muke to Ah Seng.. haha.. sori coach.. there's tis chinese player from Hua Yi tackled 3 teammates of mine recklessly.. Ah seng was the referee n so, he called up the boy n started shouting at him.. but wat makes me surprise was tat.. the boy started to shout back at him!!.. of course Ah Seng was caught offguard n decided to sent off the boy.. but the boy refused.. hahaha.. nice way to retaliate him man!!.. hahahahaha.. i was 50-50 thankful to tat boy for making him angry cause in the first place i was also kena scolded during the warm up.. padan muke si ah seng.. (hehe.. si khai nie pun jahat eh.. haha.. )

Ah Seng was paiseh of course bcoz the boy doesnt listen to him.. n so he continued the match.. it was a tough-tacklin match n the half time score: 3:2.. ( they were lucky to lead the match..)

We entered the canteen for water cooler during tat break. Tat time muster parade also juz ended n most of them in the canteen saw our muram faces while lining up for the water cooler..
hahaha.. tat time too, most of us were cursing the Hua Yi players for playing roughly.. ish ish ish..

The 2nd half was a tight match.. where both teams still continue their rough-tacking tactics.. it ended stalemate n finally the score reamined 3-2.. we can considered urself unlucky to be on the losing side.. haha.. really!.. im saying the truth.. u believe me anot?!

reachin home, i realised tat i was late for the bursary/scholarship ceremony.. cepat2 lah mandi abeden.. lucky the place juz beside my house.. unity sec.. hehe.. reachin there still ramai orang n after a 15 minutes wait.. i finally got my $250 bursary..(bursary onli lah.. im not tat clever.. haha..)

I met some of my unity frens n they forced me to play street soccer.. there's one boy, nizam, they called him "Unity Maradona".. i played against him with my left ankle still injured..he was skillful though.. but im better.. ( hehe.. perasan seh khai).. oklah, i admit, i was playin simple football tat time so i didn't run all the time.. (in case u dunno, my left ankle was injured).. tats y he lepaskan me easily.. (",).. hehe..

i went home soon after my ankle start to swollen badly n the match finally ended at 3-3.. ish ish ish.. kesian si khai nie..

oklah, tats the end of my friday.. TaAz~!!.. =P

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