Sunday, January 30, 2005

ok, i vowed to myself to write my blog in english.. sorry to those non-malays hu did not understand wat was i writing about all these while.. *PeAcE No WaR*

Oklah.. yesterday i went to my cuzin's open house. 'Cukur rambut' ceremony one.. (err, oklah for the sake of my non-malay frens.. its a 'cut newborn baby's hair ceremony'.. hahahaa) Her family lived in yew tee too so my family went there by foot.

I had an enjoyable time there.. especially with the foods provided. Got chicken lah of course, tats y very delicious. There, i met my distant cuzin, Haryana hu gave me her 'O' level chemistry notes.. thanks yar! Reach home i read it immediately n it was useful though..

My cuzins came to my house soon after we left tat place.. best seh!.. We had steamboat for dinner.. interestin man!.. we had a pillow fight too..( lerr.. like small kids man).. but hey!.. they started it first u noe.. i was playin the com but a pillow flew to my directly to my face.. the nxt thing i knew was tat i started beating everyone in the room with my pilow. hehe.. which is den led to my downfall.. n everybody in turn started to beat me up.. die ah!!.. nolah.. juz dizzy onli.. cause i was constantly beaten at the head.. ish ish ish.. After they really satisfied in beating me, they go karaoke plak at the living room.. oklah, quite fun.. but i most of the times i didnt join them.. cause bz chattin in msn..

They went home quite late seh aroun 1am gitu.. but can understand lah. They all living in cck area too.. so quite near to my house..

tats all for today! ouh.. btw, tis coming wed.. its confirmed tat CCKSS will against ZHENGHUA SEC.. so, continue to support us k.. TaAz~!

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