Wednesday, January 05, 2005


its been a tiring day for me.. 2 hours of amath tis morning.. mrs phillips somemore.. every wednesday somemore.. more lectures somemore.. more sending off somemore..

one of my classmate( not naming to protect his/her identity) kena send out from class juz bcoz he forget to write down one of the formulas for 'Differentation' ( one of the most complex topic in amath).. ish ish ish.. when can she stop sending out students?!..

Lucky, or to a certain extent unlucky.. i studied tat topic for 1 1/2hr instead of 2... need to do lower sec recess duty.. apedah!.. everytime rely on me.. takde orang lain per?!

I took charge of class 1/4.. ingatkan ader mly.. skali takde langsung dok.. semua india n chinese.. pelik pelik.. ader si tamil ni byk mulut dah.. mcam nak kene dari aku je.. si jannah pun benci tapi lei join sekaki ngan dier dan panggil aku 'DiaperBoy'.. =_=

( so.. wat do u think how i feel rite now?!... )

Actually today im very excited.. cause for the first time wed is made as CCA day.. kecoh seh.. soccer pun ader.. Gerek! Si Aseng tak datang.. abeden Mr Lee n Mr Kong asked me to take charge.. Woohoo!.. rase mcam aku coach seh.. ingatkan nak terus 2-a-side.. skali both of them wanted us to polish on ur fitness.. kene lari 5 rounds around the field.. first two round we were supposed to finish 1 1/2 mins per round.. bout we were better den tat.. bisae ah.. saper coach dier?!.. hahaha.. but wen they asked we all to round another 3 rounds consecutively in 3mins, semua mcam nak pitam.. satu-satu ketinggalan blakang.. haha.. btw, want to noe hows our timing for tat?!!.. 3 min 22 s.. clearly can tell tat everyone not fit.. haha..

we had some sprintings b4 we finally start on our 2-a-side, which we had been looking forward too.. 3 teams, 11 players each.. the first 2 teams had a fierce fight b4 it ended at 1-1.. my team against one of team after tat match and we won 1-0.. defence solid ah!!..

tis fri got friendly match.. against Hua Yi Sec.. at Time:4.30pm Venue: CCKSS Stadium.. go watch n support us k.. may the best team win.. Selamtz!.. (",)

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